How magic is the life!  I have a beautiful example about that with this headdress. When Eva, Lowla’s designer said to me: “I have on my mind the headdress you do wear in your brother’s wedding.

I am not using to wear headdress at weddings, so I thought: “if I do not dare to wear it, what will I say to Eva?… “.

Eva asked me for a piece of cloth of the dress, I gave her the biggest cutting I have, but even though it was really small, so my thinking was: “I do not really know what it is possible to do with that small piece of fabric…”.

But, something magical happened, when Eva brought me the first test of the headdress, I was speechless!

She is very careful about details as those little things make the difference, and she has a special art to design and create these small artistic treasures, in fact, she was telling me all the time: “I am visualizing you with these headdress, trust me…”

It was the first time I was going to wear an accessory on my head, but it has been very special for me, indeed I felt it was mimicking with the dress, and I was really happy.

Everything was great, and that is what happens when you let things be. Magic does not stop surprising you, and life gives you more than you would never have imagined.

Thanks Eva for so much love!

 Headdress: By Lowla

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