Nike Flyknit Racer is one of my favorite’s sneakers for a long time. Specially in this black and white color combination. Flyknit racer is a running sneaker… but it is not only to run…

Nike invests in Flyknit technology for many years now. Then remark these sneakers are made with only one knitted piece, as if we knit a sweater…being them a very special item. Very comfortable as a result of being all of one piece, and totally fresh due to materials used in its manufacture.

Few words are needed to describe them: EXCELLENT!  If you love sneakers, these are yours.

Here you have the link to Nike website, where you can find this specific style. Usually these kinds of styles have very limited production, so if you like them, do not think too much the purchase…

Sneakers: Nike Flyknit Racer

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