Special place to discover if you visit Madrid. Positive Energy, it is the name of this store sited in downtown Madrid, with very original and sophisticated gadgets, and of course, with a lot of good energy.

I recommend you to visit it, you will find some very special things. Such as the famous Lumio lamp, which is a book, and  it is depending how the book is, open or close, it is giving you light or not. I only saw this lamp before at MOMA in Tokio some years ago, and this Summer at MOMA in New York.

You can also find very special world globes which rotate on their axis, just because the light. They are really beautiful like a decorative item, and also these globes have a relaxing effect, as you can spend time just looking at how they roll over itself.

In short, you would buy the store, so in my first visit, I bought a very particular notebook, which you can see in the pictures. One of the main features of this notebook is the Korean back, which is allowing to open the notepad 180 degrees, so your writing or drawing is much more comfortable.

I found there many items which can be the perfect present for next Christmas

If you are around Madrid downtown I highly recommend you to visit it !   😀

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