El Universo de lo Sencillo

This book is still only in Spanish, so if you can read in Spanish I highly recommend you! The writer, Pablo Arribas, is very inspirational, and this book has been for me a great guide to have in my night table, which I read each time I want to remember the importance...

“Vintage” Sport Outfit

This outfit is the result of putting into place the reading of a book, which I recommend you to read it. It is about coaching, and it was a present from my boss to all colleges department. I can confirm that it deserves to be read. It is a good way to keep discovering...

Dare to live!

That is how I summarize last weekend, when I took part in a workshop about human beings taught by Sergi Torres. He is a speaker and writer who invite people to find it themselves. I remain several things he said such as become aware about ourselves, be PRESENT in each...

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